These are a space saver! The colors are very bright and beautiful. The cups are made of porcelain and the holder is made of metal. It is very easy to put the cups in and get them out, however the bottom cup will be a tight fit. The mugs are a bit small, but they are the perfect size for a cup of coffee or an espresso. They are very easy to clean with warm water and soap. They all have a nice smooth finish with no extra porcelain hanging off or jagged edges. The handles are very well attached so you do not have to worry about them falling off. The packaging was great as well. They come in a cute cardboard box which has pictures of the cups on it and each cup is wrapped in bubble wrap. This is not very big so it ca be placed anywhere in your kitchen and not take up much room and can be stored very easily. I think these are very cute and add a nice touch of color to any kitchen. I was allowed to test these for my thoughts good or bad. I have included the link as well as a few photos.
Cup link
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