This is an amazing shampoo and body wash for babies and toddlers. I have used it on both my one year old son and three year old daughter. With my son, I have to be cautious with what I use as he has very sensitive skin and will break out horribly bad. This shampoo and wash however did not cause any reactions. I love that this is made all natural and is organic, which means it is not made with harsh chemicals and dyes that are not good for children, and also make my son break out. This is also tear free which was another huge plus. It does leave both of my children clean and leaves their skin silky smooth and soft, and leaves their hair clean and shiny. It does have an amazing lavender smell, which is light and not overpowering. It is made in the USA which I love. It does have nice suds, which was the final plus that sold me. With all the great things this wash offers, how well it cleans, and how great it smells, I would recommend it. I was allowed to test this for my thoughts. I have added the link as well as a few photos.
Shampoo link
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