Thursday, April 30, 2015

Review of Dr. Noze nosebleed relief

My brother has always had a problem with his nose just starting to bleed. It wasnt a normal nose bleed, his would pour. My mama has tried everything for him and now that he is grown he has tried different things but nothing has worked or helped him. I like how this nose bleed relief has natural ingredients and developed by pharmacists. This lets me know that it is safe to use. It works by constricting the blood flow speeding up the clotting time which in turn will stop the nose bleed faster. It comes in a pack of five. Each swab is one time use. To use this product is actually very simple. you open the package that contains the swab, remove the swab, blow your nose to get all the blood out, apply the swab to the inside of your nose, pinch nostril closed and til your chin slighty downward. Keep the swab inside for a minute. Then remove the swab and blow your nose again. If it is still bleeding twist the swab half a turn and reapply for one to two more minutes. This is so easy to use yet so affective. My brother has only had to use this product twice, but both times it stopped his nose from bleeding. I would recommend this product as i have seen it work. I was allowed to test this for my unbiased review. If you are interested you can buy these on amazon. I have a coupon code for 10% off which will expire 6/5/15. COUPON CODE: endnosebleed.

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