Saturday, May 30, 2015

Review of Star Wars Force Equation E-book

I will admit, I do not like star wars at all. It bores me to death. I thought this book would be the same way. I was one hundred percent wrong. It is actually quite interesting and very attention grabbing. It shows you a new way to look at the creation, God, Heaven, hell things of this nature as well as the universe. Now I will say there were something in here that I do not agree with, but I have my beliefs and he has his and that's okay. It talks about survival of the human race and tells what we as humans need to know to keep us safe. It is more of the scientific side of things. I am a christian and completely believe in God, but this book still interested me. I think it is a must read as it does show a new way to look at things. It is very easy to understand this book and isn't very long but is very detailed. I was allowed to test this for my thoughts good or bad.

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